The next volume of the children’s Bible curriculum Telling God’s Story is out. I know this because I am sitting here holding a copy in my hand–and so should you.
You may recall that Telling God’s Story is an innovative children’s Bible curriculum I created with and for Olive Branch Books (an imprint of Peace Hill Press). I wrote the parents’ guide to the series and Year One: Meeting Jesus in 2010, and followed up with Year Two: The Kingdom of Heaven in 2012.
Year Three: The Unexpected Way is written by Rachel Marie Stone, author of Eat with Joy: Redeeming God’s Gift of Food
and, among many other things, a regular contributor to Christianity Today’s popular women’s blog Her.meneutics.
I’ve been looking forward to seeing this volume for months and I’m excited that it’s out. And, as with the first two volumes, Year Three includes an amazing activity book that makes me wish I really was a kid instead of just acting like one.
Each volume in the series has 36 lessons, which makes it ideal both for homeschooling families and Sunday Schools. Each volume can also easily be adapted for various ages. 12 volumes in all (grades 1-12) are planned in the coming years.
Along with the curriculum, Olive Branch Books has also published two amazing graphic novels by Earnest Graham, The Parables of Jesus
and James: A Letter to the Scattered
If I had had these when I was young, there’s a good chance I might have grown up semi-normal–or at least paid attention in church instead wondering why God was such a bore.
All these volumes are unique and uncluttered in how they introduce children to the Christian faith–not through moralistic Bible stories or rules-to-live-by, but by introducing them to a person, Jesus, in an age appropriate manner.