A few days ago I was interviewed for the “Newsworthy with Norsworthy” podcast (say that 10x fast) about my book The Evolution of Adam: What the Bible Does and Doesn’t Say about Human Origins
Luke Norsworthy is the founding pastor of theĀ Venture Community, an inter-denominational church in the Dallas suburb of Corinth, TX, and hosts this weekly podcast. Check out his website for other interviews he’s done recently–like Peter Rollins, Barbara Brown Taylor, Scot McKnight, and Jonathan Merritt. To quote (Vanessa Bayer’s version of) Miley Cyrus, “And that’s pretty cool.”
As is always the case when I do these things, I don’t remember what I said. I just open my mouth and start talking honestly, hoping that in the mess of words something coherent comes out. If you want to listen and be my judge and jury, you can either click the first link above or listen to it below.