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In this episode of The Bible for Normal People Podcast, Pete and Jared talk with Sarah Bessey about the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible, and they explore the following questions:

  • How does Sarah Bessey’s background in the Word of Faith movement affect how she lives out her faith?
  • What has deconstruction been like for Sarah Bessey?
  • How do we find freedom in the Scriptures as we learn to read and understand it in a new way?
  • How can we raise kids with strong faith without transferring our own doubts and theological baggage onto them?


Pithy, shareable, less-than-280-character statements you can share. 

  • “Raising children in the faith, for me, has become a realization that it’s more caught than taught.” @sarahbessey
  • “You’re never done finding out there’s another way to think about something—or another way to be.” @sarahbessey

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