Each day, I try to pray from this Book of Common Prayer app (Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove; there’s also a book
.) The key word is “try,” but I will not have you people judging me.
Anyway, this morning’s liturgy includes the following quote from Jean Vanier, Templeton Prize winner and founder of L’Arche communities. The liturgy doesn’t provide the source, and I’m both too lazy and too wounded (broken finger) to bother to find it, so, again, no judgment please.
This quote struck me as very Jesusy. I really like every bit if this, and so I am sharing it with you, as you might like it too.
Vanier also says well what I was trying to say in my recent post about apologetics. The true expression of faith is its best defense, because it transforms broken lives.
My experience has shown that when we welcome people from this world of anguish, brokenness and depression, and when they gradually discover that they are wanted and loved as they are and that they have a place, then we witness a real transformation — I would even say ‘resurrection.’ Their tense, angry, fearful, depressed body gradually becomes relaxed, peaceful and trusting. This shows through the expression on the face and through all their flesh. As they discover a sense of belonging, that they are part of a ‘family,’ then the will to live begins to emerge. I do not believe it is of any value to push people into doing things unless this desire to live and to grow has begun to emerge.