Jen Hatmaker what can happen, emotionally and relationally, when you change your mind about the Bible
- How do we survive changing our minds about the bible and still keep our faith intact?
- What did Jen Hatmaker’s upbringing teach her about questions and pushing back on her faith?
- How did changing her mind about human sexuality in the church put Jen in a position of public scrutiny?
- Did the backlash against her theology shift come from personal realtionships or industry?
- Were there any surprises about the reaction to Jen’s change in position?
- Does Jen feel like she was treated any differently as a female Christian leader, as opposed to a man?
- What was it like to walk her church through becoming an affirming church?
- As she has gone through this process of healing, what insights has she learned about the people that lashed out at leaders who begin to ask hard questions?
- What does changing your mind do for your sense of safe certainty?
- What was the key exposure that God wrote into her story that started breaking down Jen’s certainties?
- What passages in the Bible caused theological shifts for Jen Hatmaker?
- What does Jesus’ teaching about “fruit of the spirit” mean to Jen?
- What did Jen see when she looked at the fruit of the non-affirming Christian tree?
- What role did biblical interpretation play in Jen Hatmaker’s theological shift?
- How does it feel to be on this journey, in partnership with the Holy Spirit?
- How has Jen found nourishment through this experience?
- What words of encouragement does Jen have for others who are going through this experience?
- “I didn’t grow up in an environment where questions were asked, much less welcomed. I didn’t even know we could do that. I had no idea that we had permission to press hard on our faith.” @JenHatmaker
- “I have myself permission to become a critical thinker about faith, about the Bible, about cultural understandings of all of those things.” @JenHatmaker
- “The misfits find their way to one another.” @JenHatmaker
- “Just when I thought I was leaving a structure where I was banished and doomed to wonder the wilderness by myself the rest of my life, I get out to the wilderness and find it fairly populated and it’s kind of wild out here…There’s great joy out here.” – @JenHatmaker
- “If it feels like it’s the end of the world, it’s only the end of one world. If you’re in the season of lonely, just stay the course.” @JenHatmaker
Mentioned in this episode:
- Podcast: Taking a Shot at Divine Violence
- Website: Jon D. Levenson
- Article: Bible as Constitution from Brian McLaren
- Podcast: For the Love! with Jen Hatmaker
- Support: The Bible for Normal People Patreon