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In the debut episode of All the Buried Women, co-hosts Beth Allison Barr and Savannah Locke aim to uncover women’s stories hidden in the Southern Baptist Convention’s archives. The story begins in an unexpected place for a podcast about Southern Baptists: 4th-century Rome with Saint Fabiola. Because Fabiola challenged religious and societal norms, her story has become a safe harbor for women with similar experiences… even women in the SBC. Fast forward to 1984, where a pivotal moment in Kansas City, Missouri, changed the trajectory of women’s roles in the Southern Baptist Convention. There’s a reason Orwell warned us about 1984. Listen to Episode 1 to find out more.

We reached out to the SBC, Paige Patterson, Darryl Gilyard, Tommy Gilmore, and the Council for National Policy for comment, and did not hear back.


  • Hosts: Beth Allison Barr and Savannah Locke
  • Producer: Savannah Locke
  • Writing and Editing: Beth Allison Barr and Savannah Locke
  • Sound Editing and Music: Savannah Locke and Todd Locke
  • Introduction and Closing Song: Jaded by Savannah Locke
  • Special Thanks (in order of appearance): Jemar Tisby, Pamela Durso, Barry Hankins, and Meredith Stone
  • Partner Organization: The Bible for Normal People
  • Additional Thanks: Andy Clark, Systems Administrator within the University Libraries at Baylor University; Erin Smith, Marketing Manager at Baker Publishing Group; Jordan Corona; Dr. Taffey Hall, Director of the Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives; Brittany Prescott, Podcast Producer for The Bible for Normal People; Adam McCullough, Archivist of Canadian Baptist Archives at McMaster Divinity College; Gordon Heath, Director of Canadian Baptist Archives at McMaster Divinity College; Rev. Leanne Friesen, Executive Minister of Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec (CBOQ) and CBOQ executive board; and Audrey and Alex from Lawyers for Reporters.

Social Media Links:

  • Follow us on Instagram: @alltheburiedwomen @bethallisonbarr @savannah_locke @thebiblefornormalpeople
  • Subscribe to Beth’s Substack:
  • Subscribe to Savannah’s Substack:

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Transcript Available Below