Welcome to the official launch of my new blog home, The Bible for Normal People! Here–I promise–you will find all your questions answered, true inner peace, and possibly an out-of-body experience.
I will double post here and at Patheos one or two more times before the end of the week just to make sure the word gets out. On August 7, my Patheos blog will become inactive.
All posts and most comments (though we are working on it) have been carried over to this site. We’ll be doing some tweaking on the site over the next week, too.
Let me say that I have had a WONDERFUL time blogging at Patheos. The team there is friendly, professional, and supportive. They gave me a forum to be me and I am grateful.
I began blogging in 2008. I wanted to express myself–sure, why else do bloggers blog?–but I also wanted to provide a platform for others like me seeking more compelling and satisfying ways of thinking about and expressing their Christian faith.
Especially as that faith relates to the Bible–namely, what is it, anyway, and what does it mean to read it well in our current moment in space and time.
I’ve tried to create a spirit of collaboration by inviting guest bloggers, posting book notes and other sorts of reviews, and by leaving my comment section about as wide open as you’ll find out there (with minimal moderation–gotta keep the crazies out).
So, as fellow collaborators, please poke around the website and tell me what you think. Is there anything functional you’d like to see added or adjusted? How’s the navigation? Should we delete all pictures of me? Let us know.
And by “us” I mean email me or Jared Byas. Many of you know Jared as a guest blogger, and you’ll be seeing more of him here as a regular contributor. He is also the point person for book reviews and interviews.
More to come very soon!
And welcome!