When trusting God is central—even just the simple act of trying to trust—we are walking a holy path. When we learn that it is O.K. to let go of the need be right—that God is not going to pounce at us from behind the corner and give us a whipping but actually welcomes this step of faith—only then will the debilitating stress of “holding on” begin to fade. Then we are giving control over to God, which is a more secure place for faith to rest than the whims and moods of our own thinking.
That’s a brief excerpt from my next book with HarperOne, The Sin of Certainty: Why God Desires Our Trust More than Our “Correct” Thinking. The book is due out April 5, and I will blog about it as more gets finalized and the time gets near.
In the meantime, I am sending out updates on the book in my monthly newsletter—and the latest one just went out today!
Studies show that people who receive my newsletter are 38% happier and 26% smarter, and show an 12% increase in mortal enemies. And, honestly, which of us couldn’t use a few more mortal enemies?
So it’s all good. But you have to sign up.