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Do you have the wrong expectations for what the Bible should be?

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As questions arise, as doubts persist, what do we do with the Bible now?

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but the Bible is weird. It’s an ancient, ambiguous, and diverse book and there’s no one right way to read it. Join Pete as he explains how the Bible can lead us to wisdom rather than answers, and why that is good news. Whether you are frustratedly Christian, barely Christian, or formerly Christian – this course is intended for you.

What this video series will NOT teach you:

  • What to think about the Bible
  • How to find answers in the Bible
  • How to use the Bible as a rule book

What this video series WILL teach you:

  • How to embrace the weirdness of the Bible
  • How to adjust your expectations of the Bible
  • How the Bible can help us lead a life of wisdom

You’ll learn about:

  • The Bible’s antiquity
  • The Bible’s ambiguity
  • The Bible’s diversity

And why these are all good things!


Our heart is for people to approach this study in community. Grab a few friends and hop on Zoom or meet together outside (whatever safely works for you)!


Six videos (around 10 minutes each)
Downloadable discussion guide



Peter Enns (Ph.D. Harvard University) is Abram S. Clemens professor of Biblical Studies at Eastern University. He has taught undergraduate, seminary, and doctoral courses at numerous other schools, including Princeton Theological Seminary, Harvard Divinity School, and Temple University.  Pete speaks and writes regularly to diverse audiences about the intersection of the ancient setting of Bible and contemporary Christian faith. He is a frequent contributor to journals and encyclopedias, and has written, edited, and contributed to nearly 20 books, including The Sin of Certainty: Why God Desires Our Trust More than Our “Correct” Beliefs; The Bible Tells Me So: Why Defending Scripture Has Made Us Unable to Read It, Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament, and The Evolution of Adam: What the Bible Does and Doesn’t Say about Human Origins.  Enns resides in suburban Philadelphia with his wife Susan.