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A six-part video series with Jared Byas based on his book, Love Matters More

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The proper goal of reading our Bibles isn’t to get it right; it’s to love. Thinking deeply about theology and how to interpret the Bible is important, but love matters more.

If love can change God’s mind and Jesus changes the meaning of the Bible because of love, we should be open to the same. Perhaps love should change our minds and our beliefs. Perhaps love should change how we read the Bible.
There are hundreds of ways to interpret the Bible, let’s make sure all interpretations lead us to love.
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If we are going to follow Jesus in how we read our Bible, we would be wise to adopt his filter: love.

What You'll Get

Six short, easy to digest videos with Jared Byas, author of Love Matters More

The “How to Read the Bible Through a Love-Centered Lens” discussion guide 

Course Overview

Part 1: We All Pick & Choose

Part 2: The History of Picking & Choosing

Part 3: More History of Picking & Choosing

Part 4: The Bible is a Tool, not the “Finished Product”

Part 5: How to Read the Bible with Love as Your Lens

Part 6: Tips for a Love-Centered Reading of the Bible


This video series is inspired by Jared’s book Love Matters More, but it is not a chapter-by-chaper study of the book. You can just read his book, you can just complete this video series, or you can do both! They are complementary to each other, but not intended to be purchased together or work hand-in hand. 


Our heart is for people to approach this study in community. Grab a few friends and hop on Zoom or meet together outside (whatever safely works for you)!

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Jared Byas is the author of Love Matters More and Jonah for Normal People, part of the Bible for Normal People book series.
As a former pastor and professor of both philosophy and biblical studies, Jared’s passion is to explore new ways of being Christian and help people translate all of life’s big questions into a life full of meaning and connection. 
In addition to parenting Pete, Jared has four kids of his own: Augustine, Tov, Elletheia, and Exodus. Jared and his family live north of Philadelphia with their little Pug-Jack Russell mix (Jug), Zula Rose.